Business Intelligence
BI Projects
- Reporting: is the translation of raw data into beneficial, meaningful information to help decision makers better understand the market. AllenSoft utilizes various methods, theories and technologies to handle extensive amounts of data to determine, process and generate new opportunities for business.
- Data Mining: isolates information within a data set and alters its structure, so that it can be easily understood and used in different contexts. Data mining identifies patterns and trends in data sets, which can help businesses make better predictions and form strategies.BI Technologies
BI Technologies
- Sharepoint- is an organization tool that helps our development team better communicate and collaborate on Business Intelligence projects. This system allows our designers and developers uncover insights, identify solutions and access information from experts.
- SAS- is a software program that provides automated analytics with in-memory processing, so that our developers can receive useful information in a short time frame. Because SAS allows for high deployment flexibility, our team can create the best analytical environment for each project.
- SPSS- is analytic software that uses statistics to make logical predictions for important decision making. In addition, SPSS also equips our team with data documentation and data management to generate top-notch reporting services.
- SQL Server- is a database management system that holds and collects data as requested by different software applications. The server also provides a variety of add-on services that we utilize such as analysis, reporting, integration and notification services.